찻집으로 산행 어떠세요?
If you’re a dedicated tea drinker, try this mountain trail stroll in China.
1st - Let's take the tram up to the start of the trail.
Now follow the path.
If you’re a dedicated tea drinker, try this mountain trail stroll in China.
1st - Let's take the tram up to the start of the trail.
Now follow the path.
Be sure to hold on to the railing.
Keep an eye on the person in front of you. Be very careful when passing someone going in the opposite direction.
Gets a little steeper here - so put your toes in the holes. A few more steps to go… Finally in sight, the Teahouse!
다시올림: 암벽 필수 장비 (사진 포함) 1
음악과 함께 즐기는 오후시간~~ 1
토욜 이나 일욜 번개 산행..
산행할때 특별간식 모찌꼬 찰떡~~ 17
충성~!입국 신고합니다.
찻집으로 산행 어떠세요? 10
어느 등반가의 독백 1
닉네임(별명) 변경에 관해서 1
남설악 흘림골
벽등반 벙개 (Pinnacle National Monument) 12
Shasta Mountain 7
6월 3일 저녁식사번개 !?@ 오늘 저녁이네! 10
short hiking trail
아름다운 Woodside 번개산행 (일요일 6/1) 5