Edgewood Park and Preserve,
친구랑 가볍게 조깅을 한곳인데 경치가 너무 멋있어 추천합니다. 아주짧은 거리인데, 조용하고 사람도 별로 없지만 동네 산행으론 아주 적합한거 같습니다. 얼마전 발견한곳인데, 산마테오나 레드우드 시티, 포스터 시티에 사시면 동네 산책으로 좋을거 같더군요, 가까와서. 번개 호응도 0% 라 번개는 더 이상 못치지만, 이곳은 다른 분께 추천 합니다 Edgewood Park and Preserve, County of San Mateo, San Mateo County | |||
In brief: 4.2 mile loop at a cherished preserve with an interesting mix of vegetation and pretty trails. Distance, category, and difficulty: This 4.2 mile loop hike is easy, with about 500 feet in elevation change. Edgewood's elevation ranges from about 225 feet to 820 feet. Trails are well-graded. Exposure: Mix of shade and sun. Trail traffic: Moderate. Trail surfaces: Dirt trails. Hiking time: 2 hours. Season: Nice any time, but exceptional in spring. Getting there: From Interstate 280 in San Mateo County exit Edgewood Road, then drive east on Edgewood for about 1 mile. The entrance is on the south (right) side of the road, just past Edmonds Road. GPS Coordinates* for Trailhead: Latitude Longitude (* based on Google Earth data, shown as degrees, minutes, seconds) Gas, food, and lodging: No services in the immediate area. No camping in the park. Trailhead details: There's a paved parking lot as soon as you turn off Edgewood, and a smaller paved lot inside the gate, with room for 13 cars. There is one designated handicapped parking space, and the trails are wheelchair accessible as far as the picnic area. No entrance or parking fees. An information board on the west side of the inner lot has maps. Restrooms are located near the picnic area, south of the parking lot. There are three other (minor) trailheads: at the junction of Edgewood and Cañada Roads, at the junction of Sunset and Hillcrest Ways, and on Cañada Road just south of where Cañada Road crosses under 280, at the southwestern corner of the preserve. These trailheads offer access to the Crystal Springs Trail and the western portion of Edgewood. There is no direct public transportation to the park. Rules: Sylvan Loop is designated hiking only, and all other trails are open to equestrians and hikers. No bikes. No dogs (a good alternative is Pulgas Open Space Preserve). Park hours vary seasonally. Gates open at 8 a.m. and close around dusk. The Official Story: CSMPD's Edgewood page Park office 650-368-6283 Map & book choices/More information: • Use AAA's San Francisco Bay Region map to get there. • Map from CSMPD • ![]() • Afoot and Afield: San Francisco Bay Area, by David Weintraub (order this book from Amazon.com) has a great map and descriptions of an Edgewood hike. • The Trail Center's Trail Map of the Central Peninsula is my favorite map of the park (order this map from Amazon.com) • Peninsula Trails, by Jean Rusmore, has a simple map, preserve descriptions, and suggested hikes (order this book from Amazon.com). • Tom Taber's The Santa Cruz Mountains Trail Book has a simple map and preserve description (order this book from Amazon.com). • Friends of Edgewood website. ![]() Photos: • View photos from this hike (shorter 2.91 mile Sylvan Loop) • View photos from this hike (longer 4.16 mile Sylvan and Serpentine Loop) • View a few springtime photos of the park <SCRIPT type=text/javascript> </SCRIPT> <SCRIPT src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js" type=text/javascript> </SCRIPT> <SCRIPT src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/expansion_embed.js"></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT src="http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/test_domain.js"></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/render_ads.js"></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT>window.google_render_ad();</SCRIPT> <IFRAME id=google_ads_frame1 style="LEFT: 0px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px" name=google_ads_frame marginWidth=0 marginHeight=0 src="http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/ads?client=ca-pub-8722102673606492&dt=1237416012558&lmt=1225295249&output=html&slotname=1848235971&correlator=1237416012558&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bahiker.com%2Fsouthbayhikes%2Fedgewood.html&ref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fsearch%3Fsourceid%3Dnavclient%26ie%3DUTF-8%26rlz%3D1T4ADBF_enUS287US288%26q%3Dedgewood%2Bpark&frm=0&ga_vid=1312686691.1237416013&ga_sid=1237416013&ga_hid=976609978&flash=" frameBorder=0 width=120 scrolling=no height=240 allowTransparency></IFRAME> |
Edgewood is a small block of land in Redwood City, Total distance: 4.16 miles |
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저도 가까운 곳에 이리 좋은 조깅 코스가 있는 줄 모르고 맨날 쿠퍼티노 란쵸 산안토니오까지 갔었는데, 얼마전 백인 친구들이랑 조깅하면서 알게됬어요. 이 동네 사는 사람들이라 그런지 잘알고 있더라구요.
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그래도 트레일을 전부 왔다갔다 하면 꽤 운동이 되었어요
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Edgewood Park and Preserve,
친구랑 가볍게 조깅을 한곳인데 경치가 너무 멋있어 추천합니다. 아주짧은 거리인데, 조용하고 사람도 별로 없지만 동네 산행으론 아주 적합한거 같습니다. 얼마... - Read More
정말 근사한 곳이더군요. 오후 늦은 시간이어서인지 사람들은 꽤 있는 편이었지만, 짜투리 시간 활용으로 아주 좋은 곳입니다. 가벼운 산책이나 조깅으로... 280이 가까이 있어 차소리는 좀 많이 나는 편이더군요.
좋은 정보 감사합니다.