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Big Sur Activities, Facilities, and Services

Hiking and Backpacking in Big Sur

Hiking trails in the Big Sur region range from relatively flat nature trails through the trees or along the rocky coastline, suitable for children or those with disabilities, to challenging routes for long dayhikes or overnight trips. Wilderness permits are required for overnight backpacking stays in many locations. See also the pages about waterfalls, light stations, and hot springs.

For more detailed information about the Big Sur region's trails, see the resources listed on the Books and Maps page.

The following locations along Highway 1 provide access to hiking and backpacking trails in the Big Sur region:

Here are additional Web resources for hiking and backpacking in Big Sur:

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    sansori 2008.06.26 13:58
    Wow~ Big Sur 분위기 너무 좋아하는데 여기서 산행하면 정말 좋겠어요. Awesome!! 추천 해주세요!
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    구름처럼 2008.06.26 13:58
    바다님 감사!
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    k2 2008.06.26 13:58