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저희 교회 목사님께서 얼마전 가보시고 아주 좋았다고 추천 해주셨는데, 혹시 가보신분 계십니껴?
온천을 곁들인 산행? 어떨까여?(Course가 3Mile짜리도 있고 10Mile짜리도 있네여.)
 이거는 1박2일은 되야되겠지여?

Grover Hot Springs State Park

To waterfall is 3 miles round trip; to Burnside Lake is 10 miles round trip

Nothing like a soothing soak in a hot spring after a long day on the trail. For the High Sierra visitor who wants to take a hike and “take the cure” in the same day, Grover Hot Springs State Park, located a bit south of Lake Tahoe, is the perfect destination. 

Don’t expect a deluxe Euro-resort; Grover Hot Springs offers your basic soak, nothing more, nothing less. Bathers can sit in one hot pool (102 to 105 degrees) fed by six mineral springs, and one cool pool. The two pools and the changing rooms are the extent of the state park facilities. 

No, it’s not the concrete pools, surrounded by a wooden fence (the effect is rather like a backyard swimming pool installed in the 1950s) but the setting that’s inspiring at Grover Hot Springs. 

Tucked in Hot Springs Valley, surrounded on three sides by Sierra Nevada peaks, Grover Hot Springs offers a soak in a setting as soothing as its waters. The granite peaks, including 10,023-foot Hawkins Peak to the northwest and 9,419-foot Markleeville Peak to the southwest, form an inspiring backdrop to an area that’s been attracting visitors since the 1850s. 

At the park, true hot springs aficionados can read up on the exact mineral content of Grover Hot Springs and find out just how many grams per gallon of magnesium carbonate and sodium sulfate the waters hold. Most bathers, even those without any interest in chemistry, will be happy to know that Grover, unlike most other hot springs, contains almost none of that nose-wrinkling sulphur. 

Most visitors come to this out-of-the way park for the waters, not the walking. Too bad, because the state park and surrounding national forest boast some inspiring footpaths. 

Easy family hikes include a nature trail called Transition Walk that loops around the park’s alpine meadow and a three mile round trip walk to a waterfall on Hot Springs Creek. A more ambitious jaunt is the hike to Burnside Lake located in the adjacent Toiyabe National Forest. Burnside Trail crosses the state park, then ascends through a pine forest to the alpine lake. 

Directions to trailhead: From Highway 89 in Markleeville (a half-hour drive from South Lake Tahoe), turn west on Hot Springs Road and travel 3.5 miles to Grover Hot Springs State Park. You can park at the pool (then walk a footpath and the park road to the trailhead) or proceed past the park entrance station to the overflow parking area and the signed trailhead at the north end of Quaking Aspen Campground. 

If you want to make the trip to Burnside Lake a one-way trip, you can drive to the lake. From the signed turnoff on Highway 88, drive 5.5 miles down bumpy, dirt Burnside Road to road’s end at the lake. 

The hike: The path parallels Hot Springs Creek, a year-round watercourse that flows through the park’s large meadow. Some of the catchable trout planted in the creek are caught by campers for their suppers, though more serious anglers head for the nearby Carson River. The quaking aspen fringing the meadow are showy in autumn, when the fluttering leaves turn orange and gold. 

A short mile’s walk from the trailhead brings you to a signed junction. (The trail to the waterfall branches left, leading along Hot Springs Creek. Some minor rock climbing leads to an overlook above the small, but vigorous falls.) 

Burnside Trail enters the forest and ascends a mile to another junction, this one with Charity Valley Trail, which heads south along Charity Valley Creek. Soon thereafter, Burnside Trail crosses Burnside Creek and climbs northwest, switchbacking up steep Jeffrey pine- and white fir-cloaked slopes. Near the top, you’ll get a grand, over-the-shoulder view of Hot Springs Valley. 

The last mile of this hike resembles the first mile—a walk through meadowland. The meadow below Burnside Lake is much wetter than the one in the state park, however, so take care to stay on the trail; you won’t get your boots so wet, and you’ll help protect the fragile meadow ecology. 

Boulders perched above the lakeshore suggest fine picnic spots, and inspiring places from which to contemplate pretty Burnside Lake

  • ?
    돌... 2012.12.02 10:25
    이번주 산행지인 freel peak 바로 근처에 있습니다 지는 안가봤는데 한국하고는 많이 틀리다고 함니다 필요한 정보있으면 월요일 산행끝나고 알아보고 올깜요..
  • ?
    Sunbee 2012.12.02 12:00

    네 알아봐 주세요.

    크리스마스 예정산행지로 해봅시다.
    이번주에 참여 횐님들 정하고, 예약해 보겠습니다.

    현재 예정지로, Lake Tahoe, Castle Peak, Grover Hot Springs...

  • profile
    아리송 2012.12.02 14:08

    숙박정보에 대해서 좀 알아봐 주시면 감사.

  • ?
    아지랑 2012.12.02 10:41
    1 박 2일 하면 딱 좋읍니다.  
    Grover 주립공원 안에 있는 큰 노천 온천에 수영장도 있는데, 아주 깨끗하고 가격도  7 불정도 (작년) 였읍니다.  온천물도 따뜻합니다.
    그러나 겨울철에도 온천장을 여는지는 저는 잘 모릅니다.  
    공원 안에 있는 캠프장도 아주 좋아 성수기엔, 예약하는 기간이 시작되는  순간에 매진될 정도라고 들었읍니다.........(그래서 타이핑을 남보다  죽어라고 빨리 쳐야함   ㅋㅋㅋ).
    지금은 겨울철이라서 캠프장 쪽은 다 Closed  되었겠지만  피크닠 하는 곳에다 텐트를 치면 됩니다.  이곳은 겨울에 Cross-Country Ski 를 하는 사람들을 위한 캠프 그라운드로 변합니다.   물론 피크닉 하는곳이라서, 그릴과  피크닉 테이블에 수세식 화장실도 있고 아무데나 빈 공간에 텐트를 치면 됩니다. 

  • ?
    아싸 2012.12.02 11:57

    이곳을 말씀 하시는건가요? 대충 읽어 보니까,

  • Pool hours vary, call pool at (530) 694-2249 for current hours.
  • Pools closed Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years Day.
  • 이렇게 써 있네요. 그 날자 피해서 갈까말까 망설이고 있습니다.
    일단 홀드. 산길운전 2+ hours. 거의 왔소갔소 하면 땡?
    전에 80번 하이웨이 근처에 노천 온천이 있다고 누군가가 말씀하신거 같은데...
    줄서서 들어가는것이 단점이긴 하지만...

  • ?
    아지랑 2012.12.02 11:04
    폭포가 있는곳 지나서 트레일이 끝나는  곳까지  더 위로 올라가 보았는데  트레일 경치가 좋읍니다.  

    Burnside Lake 도 좋은 트레일 이라고  책에서 읽었읍니다.   특히 가을엔 애스펜 나무가 많아 단풍이 좋다고 합니다.
  • profile
    아리송 2012.12.02 11:14
    온천을 겸한 눈산행, 다양한 코스로 Adult산행이나 가족산행을 모두 할수 있는곳, 근처에 비교적 저렴한 숙박이 있으면 금상첨화.
    Lake Tahoe KOA에 부엌딸린 16인용 Cabin이 1박에 550불이네여.(좀 비싸긴해도 1/n분담하면 좀 부담이 덜할듯.)
    요즘 경기가 안좋아서 개인이 가진 Cabin을 알아보는것도 방법이긴하나 1~2박을 Cabin예약하기는 힘들듯.

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