2013.04.25 12:38
자원봉사활동 공지
다음과 같은 요청이 들어왔네요.
혹시 다음 주 금요일 (5/3)에 시간이 되시는 분들은 아래의 "CLICK HERE"를 클릭해서 이메일을 보내서 각자 자원하시기 바랍니다.
Hello Ted,
Hope all is well with you.
We have just posted a new La Honda Creek - Driscoll Ranch Volunteer Project. If you are available and interested, please CLICK HERE to sign up! This is a great opportunity to help staff with important habitat restoration AND visit an area that is not yet open to the general pubic.
Friday, May 3, 2013 9:30am - 2:00pm
La Honda Creek - Driscoll Ranch
Habitat Restoration Project - Thistle Removal
Paul McKowan, Volunteer Programs Coordinator
Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District
(650) 691-1200
혹시 다음 주 금요일 (5/3)에 시간이 되시는 분들은 아래의 "CLICK HERE"를 클릭해서 이메일을 보내서 각자 자원하시기 바랍니다.
Hello Ted,
Hope all is well with you.
We have just posted a new La Honda Creek - Driscoll Ranch Volunteer Project. If you are available and interested, please CLICK HERE to sign up! This is a great opportunity to help staff with important habitat restoration AND visit an area that is not yet open to the general pubic.
Friday, May 3, 2013 9:30am - 2:00pm
La Honda Creek - Driscoll Ranch
Habitat Restoration Project - Thistle Removal
Paul McKowan, Volunteer Programs Coordinator
Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District
(650) 691-1200
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