
A stone in my shose!

by 만물박사 posted Oct 18, 2009 Views 6472 Replies 2


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I want to take this moment to say congratulations to the group of people

 who were against Mr Sa na ea president of the Bay Alpine Group.

 You have won but what have you really done?

Here is a husband and wife who opened their heart's and their home to everyone in the BayAlpine Group.
 They were devoted members who never refused anyone who needed help. 
Sa Na Ea and Ya Chng Bu  would go out of their way to help or do anything they could to support the members of the group.

I don't believe they missed any regular hikes or weekly hikes unless they attended a larger climbing expedition with fellow members. Sa na ea and ya chng bu are true hikers and a wonderful warm and caring couple. 
They do not deserve to be treated this way.

Now I ask you a question.

 How did they get rewarded for this devotion, loyalty  and effort?
 The answer is all you have to do is look at the posts on the bay alpingroup membes board. 
You will see small minded people picking and criticizing the group president to the point where it became ridiculous.

Who would want to be a leader of a group with this lack of appreciation?  I can truly understand the reason for  Sa na ea  resignation and I don't blame him whatsoever. All of the back biting and conniving actions were to me disgusting. I anxiously wait to see who in the group will now step forward. I would expect this same group that was against Sa na ea will select one of their members who they feel should have been selected as president.

All I can say is this is a sad time for the Bay Alpine Hiking Group. 

Perhaps the name should be changed to the East Bay Drama Group. For certainly there is entirely to much drama for a group of people who only say they want to go hiking with other members. To enjoy the outdoor fresh air. The mountains and most of all the comradeship of fellow hikers. How difficult can that be? You show up, bring your food, go hiking say hello and goodbye and go home.

Think about how simple that is. Yet, for some reason in this group it has became impossible to do. When I attended one recent hiking meeting and listened to the members say how wonderful this is. Drinking and toasting to each other in celebration. All for one and one for all. Then again when Sa na ea  hosted everyone at his home, how everyone danced, sang and had a good time. How quickly we forget. Yes, this is a day of shame for this group.

For the members who called themselves friends and did not stand behind and support  Sa na ea  I would say shame on you. Because your actions were not the actions of a friend

Sa na ea  and Ya chng bu my heart and apologies goes out to you and your wonderful wife. I am sorry you had to receive this kind of treatment and hurt.

I take this opportunity for my wife and I to wish you all the best in the future and thank you for your wonderful participation in the Bay Alpine Group.

man mul pak sa