Backpacking Gear Recommendations List

by 자전거 posted Jul 10, 2014 Views 10258 Replies 7


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I have noticed that more and more folks are getting into overnite & multi-day backpacking trips.  My interest for it is increasing as well as I join on more hikes.  But I am nowhere there since I don't have the gears yet.  I remember someone posting about a sleeping bag, but for the life of me I couldn't find the information.

So I wanted to put together a list of recommended gears for backpacking with as much information as possible on one thread which will make it easier for me and hopefully for others in BAC as well.

As I hear information from BAC members, I will update the list.

Packing & Camping
Tent (3-seasons):

Tent (4-seasons):

Sleeping Bag:

Sleeping Pad:

  • tbd

Cook Stove:

  • tbd
Packing & Camping For Women
  • tbd

Sleeping Bag:

  • tbd

Sleeping Pad:

  • tbd