Starting this Saturday and every second Saturday of the month for the rest of 2018, the public will be offered free vehicle admission to 40 of California’s redwood state parks — majestic preserves that are home to the world’s tallest trees. It’s part of the 100th anniversary of one of California’s oldest environmental groups, Save the Redwoods League, based in San Francisco.
Through the year, there will be 16,800 free passes for day-use admission made available, with between about 1,300 and 1,700 given out each month. To obtain a free pass, visitors must go to
The passes can be used at popular parks like Big Basin Redwoods, Henry Cowell and Castle Rock in Santa Cruz County, Mount Tamalpais in Marin County and Butano State Park on the San Mateo Coast. The eligible parks range from Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park in Big Sur to Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park near Crescent City just south of the Oregon border.
The number of available passes varies by park, and when they run out, interested visitors will have to wait until the Monday after the second Saturday of each month to go online and reserve a free pass for the following month.
본문 내용의 에 web link가 걸려있으니 클릭하시면 바로 해당 사이트로 들어가니 거기서 Get your pass로 들어가시면 됩니다. 몇일 전 기사 나오자 마자 많은 곳이 금방 Sold out되서 별로 쓸만한 곳은 남은게 없지만 다음달 부지런한 분들을 위해...Good Luck!
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