
곰 조심 합시다.

by 길벗 posted Jul 07, 2021 Views 1767 Replies 15


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 게시글 수정 내역 댓글로 가기 인쇄

올들어 우리 산악회에서도 백팩킹이 활성화되어 개별적으로든 구룹적으로든 자주 가시는 것 같습니다. 모두 안전을 최우선으로 산행을 하실텐데 곰 조심도더 주의해야 할 것 같네요.FB9AC79F-B0DD-4F66-8A8E-43CD9805C19F.jpeg


좀 전에 제가 조인해 있는 페이스북 그룹에 올려진 포스팅을 쉐어합니다.

Hello fellow hikers!


We finished the loop yesterday and would like to warn everybody against camping around Vidette Meadow. Especially if you're alone. The bear situation there is out of hand.


On Monday we were coming down from Bullfrog lake junction to Vidette Meadow planning to camp there when we met 2 JMT backpackers that just escaped Vidette Meadow. They were clearly in panic and almost attacked us with stones thinking we were a bear. Guy said he was sitting on the stone alone for 2 hours watching big aggressive bear destroying his camp in Vidette Meadow. Luckily all of his food was in a closed bear canister, but bear was actively trying to open it and trashing his backpack. Throwing rocks and yelling didn't work. At some point bear lost interest in his belongings and started charging the guy instead. He freaked out and activated SOS signal at his emergency beacon. Luckily at that moment another hiker came by and together they were able to chase the bear away.


We proceeded further and right at the junction with JMT we met another group of 4 JMT hikers that told us they were just charged by a big aggressive bear and they're not going to camp here with this bear around. 


At this point we decided against camping at Vidette and go to the Junction Meadow instead. It was 7 pm already and Vidette Meadow camp seemed completely empty which is very strange for such a popular spot right at the Junction with JMT/PCT.


When we were passing by Vidette at the very end of the camp we heard guy screaming "Bear" on repeat. We decided to check out what was going on and saw a lone hiker standing behind a rock with a bear sitting in the middle of his camp trying to open his bear can. When we approached bear started trashing his pack and checking his tent too. We spend 5 min or so throwing rocks in his direction, yelling and making noise with our hiking poles. Bear couldn't care less, he was busy checking this poor guy's backpack. Finally the guy was able to escape and join us and we grouped together and basically charged the bear and chase it away. The bear didn't go away though. He was circling around while we were waiting for this guy to pack everything. I don't think this was that big aggressive bear 2 previous groups referenced to though. This one seemed like a juvenile and didn't show any aggression, but he was clearly habituated already. We reported this bear to rangers at Road's end and they told us it alone already trashed 5 tents this season and they're going to put it down soon.


I don't want to list all the food storage rules here, they're well know and repeated all over again and again. I just want to remind everybody that by not following those rules you're putting bears and your fellow hikers who will come after you in danger. Bears are getting killed because of this. Hikes who did nothing wrong are getting charged and their gear is getting trashed because someone before them taught that backpacks and tents mean easy food.


Follow the rules and be safe! And if you see that someone is getting charged by a bear, please, step in and help! Both guys told there were others passing by, but one of them had to wait for 2 hours and another one for 30 min for help to arrive. Don't be indifferent!