
오늘밤 05/12/2024(일) 오로라 꼭 보세요.. Don't miss it.  

by Organic posted May 12, 2024 Views 140 Replies 1


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오늘밤 05/12/2024(일) 오로라 꼭 보세요.. Don't miss it.  밤 10시부터 새벽 2시까지가 가장 잘보인다고 합니다. 

플로리다, 하와이에서도 관측이 가능하다고 합니다. 

Auroras expected to continue as forecast calls for geomagnetic storm activity into next week

Viewing could be ideal, but knowing when to look will be key as auroras were expected to return through Sunday night and possibly beyond.