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1. 닉네임    2. 성별    3. 거주지역   4. 가입경로 (지인소개, 인터넷 검색 등등)

그외 본인이 원하는 간단소개 (필수사항은 아님)


2016.09.26 18:55

Greetings from Taeyang :)

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Hello Bayalpine hikers,

This is Taeyang, I am a 1.5 generation Korean-American.

I just started hiking and would love to meet everybody very soon.

Thank you

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    소라 2016.09.26 19:04
    Welcome aboard, Taeyang!
    Happy to have you and Christal.
    Hope Bayalpine enriches your mental and physical health.
  • ?
    아리송 2016.09.26 20:29
    welcome. c u at hiking.
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    보해 2016.09.26 23:06

    Hi, Taeyang.
    This is Bohemian.
    Welcome Aboard BAC !!
    You and me  hiked twice already.
    I am looking forward many many more hiking
    together with you and Chrystal.

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    창공 2016.09.26 23:33

    반가워요. 정기 산행과 토요 산행에서도 뵙길 바라요.
    Hope to see you at hikes on Saturdays, too.

  • ?
    송암 2016.09.26 23:49
    Hi 태양,
    I am glad you joined BAC and that you've already joined two hikes. I hope you enjoyed the trails and that you'll continue to be an active member with BAC.
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    두물차 2016.09.29 10:19
    Hi 태양,
    It is very nice to meet you through Web.
    Hope to see you soon in person.
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    태양 2016.09.29 13:03
    Thank you everybody for your warm welcome :) I am very excited to go hiking and see the natural wonders of the world that I never knew existed.(This is priceless) Now, its time for me to visit REI and search the web for items that will help me do that. ( $<$ )
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    지족 2016.10.01 00:24
    Welcome to club!
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    연꽃 2016.10.01 01:47
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    옐로스톤 2016.10.10 08:14