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아리송2017.10.16 11:43

여기도 산불의 여파땜시 공기가 많이 안좋은것 같습니다. 지난번 Convict Camping갈때도 Big Oakflat Entrance에서는 연기냄새가 많이 나더니

Tioga쪽으로 가니까 연기냄새는 안나더군여.


다행히 Friday에 약간의 비가 내린다고는 하는데...금욜비로 싹 씻겨나가고 쾌청하면 좋겠네요. 

토요일은. 토욜산행이 기대 만땅.

지금은 구름으로 바뀌었네여. ㅜㅜ.

Fire Update - October 16, 2017

October 16, 2017 Posted by: Yosemite Fire Information 

The Mariposa Grove and Soupbowl Prescribed Burns have been postponed. There are multiple fires burning in Yosemite National Park's wilderness. Fire managers are working with the local Air Quality Pollution Districts and will be monitoring smoke impacts to the park and local communities. Due to moderate smoke production from the Empire wildfire, Yosemite Valley will experience smoke, this will be compounded with campfire smoke until the morning inversion lifts.