크룩스 픽 (Crooks Peak)의 사연 : Mt. Whitney 옆

by 아지랑


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Hulda Crooks 라는 캐나다여자는 66 세때 마운트 위트니를  처음 등반 해서 91 살때 까지
23 번이나 열심히 올라간 공 으로 마운트 위트니 옅에 옅에다
그녀의 성을 딴  Crooks Peak 을 1990년에 획득 하였습니다.

원래는  Day Needle 이었는데 지금은 Crooks Peak 입니다.

In 1990, Day Needle, one of the peaks in the Whitney area was, by an Act of Congress, renamed Crooks Peak in her honor.

이 분은  노년기때에 시작한 마운트 위트니 뿐만 아니라  거의 백여개의 픽을 등반 하였다고 합니다. 
91 세때 일본에 있는 후지 산 ( Mount FuJi )을 등반 하셨고,
비록 5 년(여름철) 이 걸렸지만  장장  2 백여 마일 넘는  죤 뮤어 트레일을 완주하였습니다.



Hilda Crooks was born in Western Canada in May of 1896. She grew up in the old-fashioned way on a farm where vigorous physical work was daily routine, but book learning was of little confer. Impressed that she needed an education, she left the farm and began the long climb from fifth grade to a bachelor of science degree in dietetics, eventually obtained at the expense of her health. For the next 25 years, she says, "I wasn't worth much. I was nervous, anemic, and perpetually tired." So she evaluated her lifestyle, made sure her vegetarian diet was adequate and set herself a regular exercise program. With the encouragement of ther husband, she began climbing mountains near their home. At age 66 she made her first Mt. Whitney climb (elevation 14,495 ft.). This became a yearly challenge. At 70 she began jogging and found that it made mountain climbing easier. At 75 she started long backpack trips of a week or more. The next year she crossed the Sierra Nevada Range from Sequoia to Whitney Portal, an 80-mile trip. Two years later, at 78, she completed the 212-mile John Muir Trail (accomplished in five summers). Not ready for the rocking chair at 81, she started working on the Sierra Club's registered list of 268 peaks in Southern California ranging in altitudes of 5,000 to 11,500 feet. She climbed 90 of them after she reached age 81. At 91, Hulda gained international acclaim by becoming the oldest woman to climb Mt. Fuji, Japan's tallest mountain. Six weeks later she broke her own record as the oldest person to climb Mt. Whitney.

‘Grandma Whitney’ showed the world that mental, physical, and spiritual health is attainable at any age,” said one of her hiking friends and congressman, Jerry Lewis.



Notes on the Mt Whitney.jpg


Mountaineering Route 에서 보는 Mt. Whitney.

위의 내용은 자유게시판에  7/20/2011  에  올린 원문과 댓글내용들을 종합해서 올린것입니다.
