
2009년 마지막 번개 산행 (12/26) - Sam McDonald County Park

by 지다 posted Dec 24, 2009 Views 5551 Replies 7


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 게시글 수정 내역 댓글로 가기 인쇄
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올해의 마지막 번개 산행입니다.


1. 산행날짜와 산행지

날짜:   12 26요일

장소:    Sam McDonald County Park


2. 모이는 시간 장소

시간:  09:00 AM
:  Sam McDonald County Park 주차장 ($5 Entrance Fee)


Getting there:

·         From Interstate 280 in San Mateo County, exit Woodside Road/CA 84 (exit #25).

·         Drive west on CA 84 (bear right onto La Honda Road at the junction with Portola Road) about 6 miles, to the junction with CA 35 (Skyline Boulevard).

·         Continue straight on La Honda Road/84, about 6.5 miles, to the easy-to-miss junction with Pescadero Road.

·         Turn left.

·         Drive about 1 mile south on Pescadero Road, and bear right at the junction with Alpine Road.

·         Continue about 0.5 mile on Pescadero Road, to the park entrance on the right.




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3. 산행 코스

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4. 준비물

각자 본인의 점심 간식, 충분한 양의 .


5. 참가방법

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