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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄

얼마 전에 나그네님이 둘째 크리스로 부터 들었다고 했을 때는, 인터넷 써치로 아무런 새로운 뉴스를 찾을 수 없었는데...
Budget 과 관련하여 2009년에 상정되었던 Proposal  에 대하여 계속 협상이 되고 있었나봅니다.
방금 저녁 TV 뉴스에서 듣고 찾아 보았습니다.

관련 기사:

Shrinking Calif. state parks: 70 to close
State Parks Closure List Released

초기 제안에는 200여개의 Park 가 대상이었는데, 70개로 줄었네요.  제리 브라운이 담주 월욜에 최종 Revised Budget 을 발표하고, Park Closure 가 최종 결정이 되면 오는 9월 이후에 닫는다고 합니다.

Here's the list of state parks, released Friday, that could be shut down:

  1. Anderson Marsh State Historic Park
  2. Annadel State Park
  3. Antelope Valley Indian Museum
  4. Austin Creek State Recreation Area
  5. Bale Grist Mill State Historic Park
  6. Benbow Lake State Recreation Area
  7. Benicia Capitol State Historic Park
  8. Benicia State Recreation Area
  9. Bidwell Mansion State Historic Park
  10. Bothe-Napa Valley State Park
  11. Brannan Island State Recreation Area
  12. California Mining & Mineral Museum
  13. Candlestick Point State Recreation Area
  14. Castle Crags State Park
  15. Castle Rock State Park
  16. China Camp State Park
  17. Colusa-Sacramento River State Recreation Area
  18. Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park
  19. Fort Humboldt State Historic Park
  20. Fort Tejon State Historic Park
  21. Garrapata State Park
  22. George J. Hatfield State Recreation Area
  23. Governor's Mansion State Historic Park
  24. Gray Whale Cove State Beach
  25. Greenwood State Beach
  26. Grizzly Creek Redwoods State Park
  27. Hendy Woods State Park
  28. Henry W. Coe State Park
  29. Jack London State Historic Park
  30. Jug Handle State Natural Reserve
  31. Leland Stanford Mansion State Historic Park
  32. Limekiln State Park
  33. Los Encinos State Historic Park
  34. Malakoff Diggins State Historic Park
  35. Manchester State Park
  36. McConnell State Recreation Area
  37. McGrath State Beach
  38. Mono Lake Tufa State Reserve
  39. Morro Strand State Beach
  40. Moss Landing State Beach
  41. Olompali State Historic Park
  42. Palomar Mountain State Park
  43. Petaluma Adobe State Historic Park
  44. Picacho State Recreation Area
  45. Pio Pico State Historic Park
  46. Plumas-Eureka State Park
  47. Point Cabrillo Light Station
  48. Portola Redwoods State Park
  49. Providence Mountains State Recreation Area
  50. Railtown 1897 State Historic Park
  51. Russian Gulch State Park
  52. Saddleback Butte State Park
  53. Salton Sea State Recreation Area
  54. Samuel P. Taylor State Park
  55. San Pasqual Battlefield State Historic Park
  56. Santa Cruz Mission State Historic Park
  57. Santa Susana Pass State Historic Park
  58. Shasta State Historic Park
  59. South Yuba River State Park
  60. Standish-Hickey State Recreation Area
  61. Sugarloaf Ridge State Park
  62. Tomales Bay State Park
  63. Tule Elk State Natural Reserve
  64. Turlock Lake State Recreation Area
  65. Twin Lakes State Beach
  66. Weaverville Joss House State Historic Park
  67. Westport-Union Landing State Beach
  68. William B. Ide Adobe State Historic Park
  69. Woodson Bridge State Recreation Area
  70. Zmudowski State Beach
  • profile
    나그네 2011.05.13 21:25
    이 중에서 금년에 우리가 가지 못한 곳이 몇개있네요?
    Henry W. Coe State Park = 작년에 간 기억은 있는데 금년엔 갔던 기억이 없네요.
    China Camp State Park = 자전거 땜시 별볼일 없는곳이고...

    Samuel P. Taylor State Park = 캠핑하면서 굴까먹고 하이킹 하기 좋은곳
    Tomales Bay State Park = 우리가 여길 가본 적이 있나요? 

  • ?
    아지랑 2011.05.13 23:33
    닫기전에 좀 가 봐야 겠네요.    
    Henry W. Coe State Park 은 주정부가 손을떼면
    카운티에서라도  넘겨
    받겟다고도  전에 말이 오갔던것 같던데,...어떻게 된건지..  
  • 내가 좋아하는 Sugarloaf Ridge State Park 도 칼에 맞는군요.

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