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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 첨부
While I was down in LA over the weekend, I decided to go for a short hike at Griffith Park from my dad's house in Burbank.  It initially started out as let me walk over to the park.  Then I decided to hike to the top of hill where I normally go biking to.  As I got closer to the top, I was telling myself that I have never hiked to the Hollywood sign, and what better time to do it.  Nevermind that I started out with 1 small bottle of water with no food in a 95 degree weather.

All in all, I ended up hiking 11.2 miles, and barely survived.  I ran out of water 5 miles into it, even though, I was pacing myself.  No shade and 95 degrees played havok; however, it ended up being a great hike.

Details of the hike:
Screen Shot 2014-09-16 at 6.29.21 PM.png

A view of the Hollywood Sign from the lookout point.  When I got there, I found out that you can hike to the backside of the sign by the radar tower.

A quick #selfie...I was sweating furiously due to the heat and I ran out of water few miles back by this time.  But off I go to the radio tower, in the background.

Reached the back side of the Hollywood Sign.


After the hike, I needed lots of water and some cold food, 동치미국수 from 길목.
  • ?
    아싸 2014.09.16 21:24
    1 small bottle of water with no food in a 95 degree weather.
    오~우 마이 갓. 지난주에는 피나클팀도 104도 였었다는데...
    다들... 홀리신게야... 분명 뭐에 홀리신게야...
  • ?
    아리송 2014.09.16 21:53
    워미, 동치미 맛나겠네!!! 더운데 고생하셨네요. 그래서 그런지 얼굴이 홀쭉하네요.
  • ?
    산. 2014.09.16 22:25
    날씨도 더운데 물도 부족하고 고생 많이 하셨네요... 멋지십니다!
    이름도 경치도 눈에 많이 익네요.. 옛날 생각이 나는군요...
    80년도 중반에 그리피스팍 산동네에서 4년정도 살았습니다.
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    자전거 2014.09.17 01:49
    Growing up in the area, I have biked at Griffith Park many times before, but I never realized that it offered so many hiking trails.  Next time, I want to hit the other trails.  I will just make sure that I am prepared for it.
  • ?
    모찌롱 2014.09.17 08:56
    향수가 밀려드네요 헐리우드 사인에서 내려다 보이는 L A 전경  
    왼쪽 멀리 매연에 가려진 다운타운 싸인아래 쪽으로  뻣어 나간 Western Blvd 
    L A  살때 매번 오르던 곳이였습니다  반가웠어요
  • ?
    한솔 2014.09.17 19:16

    난 알지롱 더운날엔 얼매나 힘던곳인지 ㅋㅋㅋ 

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